
Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

University: university of west london

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 30 / Words 7593
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1020
Question :

Questions- This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Define and justify a business issue that is of strategic relevance to the Crown Cars organisation.
  • Crown cars are the vehicle financing company. Analyse and discuss existing literature, contemporary business policies and practices relevant to the chosen issue.
  • Explain and select appropriate theories based on the issue.
  • Evaluate different research methods and apply appropriate research method and design for their Business project
  • Generate a systematic analysis of quantitative and qualitative information and present the results in a clear and consistent format.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Crown Cars

Chapter 1: Introduction

Overview of the Research

Digital advancement is mainly based over different things likewise social media, internet, smart phones, Information Communication Technology and many others that has transform the whole life of organisation and individual. With the advance technology, it becomes easy for the business to establish connection with the globe via wireless tools (Benitez-Amado and Walczuch, 2012). Digital advances includes long range informal communication locales and sites where an individual can without much of a stretch set up an association with others. Since the development of these long range informal communication destinations like Twitter and Facebook as key instruments for news, writers and their associations have played out a high-wire act. With regards to business, online networking, messaging, cell called and web has an enormous impact over the exhibition of an association. In the current examination work Crown Cars, is the picked association, it is probably the best taxus administration organization in UK, which is working through computerized innovation like online networking, messaging, phones, and the Internet. In this manner these sources are compelling in building up the activities and elements of the firm at commercial centre. In this reasonable point and destinations are making to help the work in right way and writing survey is successful in building up the comprehension of the scientist in identified with the picked branch of knowledge. Methodological direction is viable in giving layout particular to help the work in right way to coming to at the potential result (Berends and et. al., 2014). What's more, data analysis is additionally viable in breaking down the data amassed by the analyst and helps the examination towards reaching at significant finding. Toward the end of the examination, conclusion and recommendation are made over the outcome of the exploration..

Background to the research

In today's modern scenario social media has been recognised as the essential aspect of an individual's life through shopping to electronic mails, communication, eduction and business techniques (Zhou and Li, 2012). Social media performs effective role on transforming an individual's way of thinking and life style, therefore social media is effective in making individual living more easy and comfortable. Social media, cell phone, internet etc. are the key aspect of digital technologies which has direct influence over the society. Crown Cars, is the chosen organisation, it is one of the best Taxi service company in UK, therefore, company is working since 25 years in the West Midlands and developing their operations via increasing the number of vehicles which are providing convince facilities to the people (Broekx and et. al., 2011). The company is having around 500 vehicles. The company is providing reliable and friendly services by 24*7. Crown Taxis is known for its one of a kind and exceptional client offices and in Solihull, they are the main taxi organization which offers clients an unparalleled pick time of 10 minutes inside the town of Solihull and attached towns. Digital technology is a crucial concept which cover various aspects based on technological advancement like social media, cell phones, internet sites, texting etc. these are the most popular digital aspects on which an individual's living is based, therefore, these tools are applied by Crown Cars for assisting the operations of the firm in effective manner, thus these tools are appropriate for the firm in implementing coordination and collaboration of the customers at wider level (Denzin and Lincoln, 2011).

Research Aims and Objectives


The key aim of this research is to assess the impact of digital technology on a transport industry, using the Crown Cars taxi as a case study. The objective below will guide the research investigation.


  • To explore in detailed the concept and benefits of digital technology for businesses.
  • To identify the impact of digital technology on the functions and operations of the Crown Taxi company.
  • To determine the challenges faced by taxi companies in using these advance technologies.
  • To provide recommendation to Crown Taxi company for better usage of digital technology.

Research Questions:

  • What is the concept of digital technology and its benefits for the businesses?
  • What is the impact of digital technology on the functions and operations of the Crown Taxi company
  • What are the challenges faced by taxi company in using these advance technologies?
  • How can Crown Cars Company make a better use of digital technology in advancing its business?

Significance of the research

The current task is rely upon survey the effect of digtal technology on an organization, this is a wide region of scholarly research which is powerful in building up the thought and information base of individual with respect to the picked branch of knowledge, along these lines, This examination is compelling in investigating information regrading how online networking, messaging, phones, and the Internet sway on associations. However, these are the important aspects of digital technology and the operations of business are relay upon these tools, therefore these are imperative in creating business production more effective or liable in developing significant growth and success (Fawcett and et. al., 2011). Crowns Cars is the most leading and popular taxi service company within UK and the operations of the firm is mainly based on digital technologies, so this evaluation is efficacious in developing knowledge how social media, texting, cell phones, and the Internet are applied by the business in terms of attaining progression and growth. The significant explanation behind leading the examination is the individual premium zone of analyst as the examiner is eager to comprehend the branch of knowledge to build up their own just as expert abilities.

The Research Statement

The research into consideration is based on How does social media, texting, cell phones, and the Internet influences the performance of the business. Therefore, in this investigation an in-depth discussion will be taken place over the possible force of social media on the progression and growth of trade. In the contemporary trade environment, businesses are focuses over developing digital technologies for the intention of increasing their operations and functions at market place (Fleming and Koppelman, 2016). In this the overall study is based on Crown Cars, therefore, the operation handling of the firm is based on digital technologies, so it will be effective for the researcher to deeply understand how digital technologies affects the operations and functions of the firm.

Structure of the report

A arrangement is imperative in rendering suitable delineate requirement to the investigation according to which the research will carry forward to accomplishment at significant outcome. The areas which are going to be covered in the present investigation are rvaluated in detail:

Chapter 1: Introduction: This refers as the primary chapter of the investigation which consist over providing brief overview in relation to the selected investigation region of develop an efficient background in which suitable information regarding company has been covered, therefore, this chapter mainly covers aim, objectives, questions, background of the investigation, significance of the work (Geraldi and Lechter, 2012).

Chapter 2: Literature Review: This is the another important area of the investigation that is mainly consist over developing a theoretical perspective which guide the investigator in effectively developing the understanding in regards to the selected research region. This part of work is primarily transmit over secondary sources, therefore in this data accumulation is mainly encompasses on past investigation or books, journals, published articles and so on.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology: This is also an another key region of a research which is efficient in directing the exploration in significant direction vial the significant support of appropriate methodologies like investigation type, research design, research approach, data collection tools, data analysis method, sampling etc. These are the important tools that are effective in adding enquiry actions in accurate way to accomplishment at the potential outcome.

Chapter 4: Data analysis and Findings: This is fourth piece of examination which incorporates arranged assessment procedures moreover quantitative and subjective. These methods are successful in deciding the informations collected by the scientist in proper way. Along these lines in the present examination, topical investigation is a successful for subjective investigation. Subsequently, this is a helpful strategy for information investigation since it bolster scientist to decipher the information in methodical way (Ghobakhloo and et. al., 2012).

Chapter 5:Conclusion and Recommendation: This is the end stage of an investigation in which proper discussion has been made over the findings of the researcher, therefore in the present investigation are conclusion has been made over summarizing the results of the chosen subject area. On the other hand recommendation has been created over the results of the work, therefore its assist the investigation towards making suitable changes in their operations and functions.

Chapter 2: Literature review


Literature review is characterized as the most significant part of an examination subsequently, it alludes as a clear, logical rundown of accessible material identified with a particular zone of work. Furthermore, it is a successful methodology which includes a precise assessment of the earlier researcher work. This area of examination is viable in helping the general examination in right way to coming to at the potential result. In any case, a writing audit is a review of researcher sources which given a point by point outline over a specific territory of study.. Literature review is a abbreviation of the most appropriate and significant publication regarding which topic in respect to give a comprehensive look at the aspects that covers the area of investigation (Glaub and et. al., 2014). This area of research is encompasses on secondary sources, therefore, in this investigation information is being gathered via the use of book, journals, published research articles, past investigation projects etc. In this past investigation area if significant efficacious in rendering a proper consideration to the work to rendering proper guidance to guide the activities of exploration in significant way to drawn valid and reliable outcome. This segment of research is compelling in directing a top to bottom assessment which is steady in building up the comprehension of the scientist and student over the region of breaking down the effect of advanced innovation on an organization.

The detailed concept and benefits of digital technology for the businesses

Digital technologies are defined as the electronic system, tools, resources and devices which are effective in generating, storing and processing information. According to the opinion analysis of Kate A. McLennan, 2016, Technology defined as the methods, system and devices that are the result of scientific idea and knowledge that are being applied for practical purposes. Digital advancement is significant utilised with the new corporeal announcement media likewise satellite and fibber optic transmission. Digital technologies mainly includes social media sites, online games, computer systems, multimedia and mobile phones and so on. Digital technologies plays vital role in the growth and development of the business, through processing the overall business operations in effective manner. Digital technologies are combination of multiple aspects like social media, advance computer system, cloud computing etc. Digital technology can basically helps a business to streamline processes, develop efficiency, improve productivity and save business money. Businesses now a day's are very much concern over attaining higher growth and success, thus digital technologies are recognised to be the best possible option for them to enhance business operations at wider level. For the online businesses or the digital based operations, technologies plays an effective role in providing wider platform to implement effective communication channel to explore operations at wider scale. for instance in the case of Crown car company, the company is operated through online sites, so the emergence of technologies are required in developing the operations of the firm in effective manner. The company is using technologies in making book, establishing connection with customers, navigating the location, connecting with customers etc. Therefore, we are living in a rapid progressing world where technology is developing and progressing at higher extent and provides us a comfortable zone to moving in a high tech digital era which is effective in reducing human efforts. In the context of business, the digital capability of an organisation is fundamental to remaining competitive in today's competitive era, thus digital advancement has develop the standard of business within market as each small as well as large business organisation is concern over implementing digital advancement in respect to making business operations more easy and reliable (Hirshkowitz and et. al., 2015). For instance, digital technology plays vital role in Crown Taxi company, thus digital technologies has provide benefits to the crown taxi company is providing a wider customer reach which could be effective for the firm in attaining higher growth and success (Whyte, Stasis and Lindkvist, 2016). Digital technologies are constantly transforming the way of conducting businesses and create various benefits for the businesses, therefore, some are associated as under:

Social Connectivity: This is the fundamental benefits which is gained by the businesses through embracing digital innovation, therefore, digital technologies are effective in making easy connection among individual with the help of digital technologies like mobile phones, internet, mobile applications, thus technology makes it easy for people to keep in touch with their family, friends work remotely. Digital technologies are making connectivity more easy even in the other part of the country via the support of audio, video and other source of communication. In the context of business, digital advancement is effectual in providing benefits in terms of establishing interconnection with customers at wider scale with the support of mobile phones, internet, applications, websites, software and so on.

Information storage: Digital technology mainly enables the storage of massive amounts of data in relatively limited spaces. Businesses are also using digital technologies like storage devices, hard disk etc. in respect to keeping business data more secure and safe (Hwang and Lim, 2012). Therefore, in the context of business information storage is essential in assisting business operations in more effective and liable manner. For instance: for a taxi business information storage is fundamental in keeping customers information safe and secure.

Enable digitalisation of products and services: This is also an effective benefit which is gained by the businesses, as with the help of digital tools and technologies organisations can specify their offered products and services in respect to providing details to their customers in more easy and reliable manner. For instance: Taxi businesses like Crown Taxi company is using digital technologies in the form of mobile application for providing easy taxi booking facilities to their customers.

The Impact of Social Media, Smart Phones, texting and internet on the functions and operations of the Crown Taxi company.

As per the views expressed by Fang He, et. al., (2015), digital technology has revolutionized the way of living and the way of conducting business, therefore, digital advancement are assuming imperative job in the development and advancement of the business. Digitalised innovations has included web-based social networking, PDAs, messaging and web and these are the best source which has direct impact over the activities and movement of the business (Wilson, 2014). Crown Taxi Company is a leading taxi operator in UK, which is very much concern over providing effective and comfortable taxi facilities to their customers at wider level. The company is significantly based on using smart phone, texting, social media and internet in respect to making business operations more easy and reliable, therefore, as these digital sources are having positive impact over the operations and progression of Crown Taxi company, in this way these sources are giving critical assistance to the business to give simple taxi and taxi offices to their clients with the assistance of portable application (Ifinedo, 2011). The organization is utilizing internet based life for advancing their offices at more extensive scale, along these lines online life is a viable instrument which is useful for an organizations in executing interconnection with individuals at worldwide level, therefore web based life is perceived as the most ideal method of correspondence. Moreover, online life is viable in publicizing hierarchical items and administrations in least expense, therefore, social media like Facebook, Instagram, twitter etc. is also effectual in developing connectivity among the organisational departments. The use of internet, social media, smartphones is effective for the growth and increasing profitability of Crown Taxi company, thus the operations of the taxi is based on On the go mobile application, therefore, Crown Taxi company is operating through its application as it is effective in providing convincing services to their potential customers. The company is facilitating their services with the support of their mobile applications On the go Mobile app, which enables customers to book their cab in an easy manner, therefore, it is also effective for the firm to developing their customers base and attain higher competitive advantage. However, technology is imperative in making organisational operations easy and reliable, therefore, internet, mobile application, smart phone etc. are effectual in rendering easy facilities to their customers, thus people can make their booking within seconds (Inauen and Schenker-Wicki, 2011). On the contrary, digital advancement has another benefit for the taxi company is that, internet is providing facilities to trace the locations within the help of map, however, this is effective in terms of satisfying the customers regarding the safety and security.

The challenges faced by taxi company in using these advance technologies.

In today's world, technology is very important thing in the company from making use of raw material to delivery of goods and services in the market. But these technology has negative effects as well with them like privacy and cyber security issues and inefficient use of smartphones in the companies. Crown cars company provide taxi services in the UK market, which faces challenges regarding the unskilled employees and privacy security in the market.

Unskilled employees: Company face challenges like unskilled employees, difficult for them to use the smartphones,google map and various another useful features of the devices. With the use of modern technology, most of the drivers are not able to use the various features of the devices in efficient ways. They found difficult in calculating price of service provided by them to the consumer.

Privacy and security: Employees of the taxi industry are facing the problem in security about their personal information,as everything is connected to the internet in technology. Companies record the personal information about its employees in the data of the company system. But Sometime, these information can be leaked in the market if the cybersecurity of the companies are not strong enough for the system and such information can harm the company (Lakatos, 2014).

Professional drives: Customer of Crown car company are looking for the professional drivers, who has good experience in taxi industry. Due to continues change in technology, it is difficult for the company to trainee its employees as the profession for providing good services to the target market.

Better development of technology by the company: companies tires to develop new technology so that unskilled employees can use such technology in better way. To make use of human forces in the management, companies develop new technologies which can be use by every member of the organisation.

With the emerging technologies and their network in all over the world, , it is difficult to maintain privacy about the data feed into the system of the companies (Lin and Lu, 2011). Their are various another competitor present in the environment such as A2B, TC Cars and UK taxi services which provide taxi services in the market. Sometimes it is very complex for the companies to cope up with the rapid change in the technologies as well as it is difficult for the firm to provide good quality of product and services to its target market and customer.

Chapter 3 : Research Methodology

Research Methods

The choice of philosophy is the essential commitment of an examiner, in this manner, these are vital in helping the general work in right way to coming to at the potential result. An examination is fundamentally transferred upon subjective or quantitative research. An exploration is supposed to be subjective when the aggregated data depends on subjective methods or in this information is increased through the recognition investigation of writers and journalists (Makkonen and et. al., 2014). On the opposite side, a quantitative research depends on factual data and in this data collection is transfer upon measurable wonder. In the current examination work, subjective research is being thought about by the scientist as it is noteworthy in breaking down the effect of advanced innovation over the activities and elements of Crown Cars Taxi Company as this device is comprising over itemized investigation and fuses information through uncover the conduct and view of person who are viable in giving data over the picked branch of knowledge.

Research Philosophy

Investigation philosophy defined to be the conviction in regards to the path in that data relation to a specific area needs to be accumulated evaluated and used. This is the most prior obligation of the researcher to be consist over a philosophy as to assist out the effort in significant direction. Therefore, this area is mainly encompasses on positivism and interpritivism philosophy (Meredith and Mantel Jr, 2011). In this undertaking exploration, Interpretivisim philosophy is mainly implemented through the investigator as it is significant in determining the potential impact of digital technologies over the growth of Crown Car Company. This tool is also effective for qualitative analysis and supportive in rendering in-depth data via the opinion and views examination of authors or scholars.

Research Approach-

This is a significant part of research system, as this area is fundamentally founded on deductive and inductive research approach and the choice of approach is hand-off upon the sort of examination. In the current research work, deductive research approach is applied by the scientist as it is compelling in giving point by point data by means of the help of breaking down speculations and theory which are interlined with the picked branch of knowledge (Mills and Smith, 2011). Along these lines in this legitimate examination is being done through considering over a significant time span hypotheses which depend on tasks of Crown Car Company.

Time Horizon

Time scale is called as arranging Horizon which characterized as the fixed purpose of time later on by then certain procedures will be investigated or expected as far as possible. In the execution of an examination, the key thought of a researcher is to build up a period scale in which all the exercises are organized deliberately are coming to at the potential result, consequently, this is noteworthy for the researcher in helping the general work in right way to coming to at the potential result (Peters, Howard and Sharp, 2012).

Data Collection Methods

The key thought of a researcher is to choose the most reasonable apparatus for social affair legitimate and solid data to helping the general work in right way to coming to at the noteworthy result. Primary and secondary are two significant hotspots for social affair data, in this way these two are critical in get-together fitting data. In the current examination work both primary and secondary devices are applied by the researcher as these two are noteworthy in investigating the impact of computerized advances over the activities of Crown Car Company (Prajogo and Olhager, 2012). Primary information are supposed to be initially turned in nature, consequently in this data aggregation is transfer upon questionnaire, overview, talk with, centre gathering, perception and so on. On the opposite side, the data inside depend on past examination and aggregated through books, diaries, distributed research articles and so on are supposed to be auxiliary examination. Nonetheless, in the current research work, primary research is being executed through the help of survey as it is most important source in get-together legitimate and solid data and optional examination is executed for creating writing audit by means of the help of books, diaries, distributed research articles, etc.

Data Sampling

This segment of examination is incorporates over Probability and non-probabilistic data sampling, consequently, these two are huge for helping the work in right way. In the current examination work, sampling has been select at random basis from the probabilistic tool, thus this is more valuable source to gather information. Along these lines in this 30 drivers of Crown Car Company has been chosen as the respondents as they are increasingly suitable in furnishing data with established truths and figures (Wahyuni, 2012).

Ethical Issue

Research ethics are characterized as the standards which are powerful in making separation among good and bad. While leading an examination it is significant for the researcher to follow the morals in regard to lessening the odds of issues and hindrances that influences the general examination in wrong full way. It is significant for the researcher to guarantee their respondents about the wellbeing and security of their data as specialist needs to give confirmation in regards to not uncovering their own data (Weigelt and Sarkar, 2012). Scientist ought to likewise assemble data from the most proper source as it is successful in complete the work in right way.

Chapter 4: Findings and date Interpretation

This section is encompasses over analysing the information which are accumulated by primary investigation, However, in the existing research work information is being evaluated via the support of thematic examination (Westerman, Bonnet and McAfee, 2014). Thus this is most effective tool for analysing the information as in this themes are created to significe the investigation purpose of effective manner.

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Data Presentation and Analysis

Theme 1) Individual have an appropriate understanding regarding digital technologies like social media, internet, smart phone, texting and so on.

Q1) Do you have an appropriate understanding regarding digital technologies like social media, internet, smart phone, texting and so on ?






Figure 4.1


According to the detailed evaluation of above mentioned chart it has been stated that, 28 out of 30 individual are having an appropriate understanding regarding digital advancement like social media, internet, smart phone, texting and so on, therefore, these are the common aspects on which understanding is required for individual in society. On the other hand leftover people are not in concern with the identical as they are not having appropriate knowledge regarding digital technologies like social media, internet, smart phone, texting and so on as they are really not familiar with these tools.

Theme 2) Digital advancement is effective for a business to gain growth and progression.

Q2) According to you, digital advancement is effective for a business to gain growth and progression?






Figure 4.2


The depiction of the previously mentioned diagram expressed that, 27 out of 30 individuals said that computerized headway is viable for a business to pick up development and movement, consequently, associations are essentially looking for advanced advances to increase higher upper hand. Extra individuals are not in favor with this announcement according to their view, computerized headway isn't a lot of successful for a business to pick up development and movement.

Theme 3) Digital technologies are effective in terms of Crown Car Taxi Company to enhance their operations.

Q3) As per your view, digital technologies are effective in terms of Crown Car Taxi Company to enhance their operations?






Figure 4.3


As per the graphic examination of the task it has been assessed that 26 out of 30 individuals are concur with the explanation that advanced innovations are successful as far as Crown Car Taxi Company to upgrade their activities. According to their view computerized progression is efficacious in making business activities all the more simple and dependable and extra respondents are not in favor with equivalent to per their view advanced innovation isn't a lot of powerful for the development of Crown Taxi Company.

Theme 4) There are assorted benefits that are gained by businesses due to digital technologies.

Q4) As per your view, what are the major benefits of digital technologies in the context of business?


Social Connectivity


Information storage


Enable digitalisation of products and services


Encourages Collaboration across departments


Figure 4.4


According to the detailed evaluation of the project it is being evaluated that, 7 out of 30 individual thought that social connectivity is the major benefit of digital advancement in the context of business, therefore, 8 people are in favour of information storage, another 8 respondents are go with enable digitalisation of products and services and leftover individual people are in support of encourages collaboration across departments.

Theme 5) There are multiple benefits that are gained by Crown Car Taxi company by using digital technologies.

Q5) According to you, what benefits are gained by Crown Car Taxi company by using digital technologies?


Wider customers base


Increase in profitability


Interconnection with customers


Customers loyalty


Figure 4.5


As indicated by the top to bottom assessment of the venture it has been distinguished that, there are various advantages that are picked up by Crown Car Taxi Company by utilizing advanced advances. Along these lines, 10 individuals are agreeable to more extensive client base, according to their view this is the significant bit of leeway of advanced innovation, 8 individuals are go with increment in productivity and 6 respondents are go with interconnection with clients and remaining individuals are supportive of client reliability.

Theme 6) Different challenges are faced by taxi company in using advance technologies like social media, internet, smart phone etc.

Q6) As per your opinion, what key challenges are faced by taxi company in using advance technologies like social media, internet, smart phone etc.?


Privacy and cyber security issues


Rapid advancement in technologies


Development of mobile application


Lack of proficient drivers


Figure 4.6


According to the point by point investigation of the venture it has been discovered that, there are various difficulties looked by taxi organization is applying computerized headway, consequently, review is directed among 30 respondents and out of that 8 individuals are agreeable to protection and digital security issue, 8 individuals are supportive of fast progression in advances, 7 person's are go with improvement of versatile application and remaining individuals are go with absence of capable drivers.

Theme 7) "On the go" Mobile app is significant for the operation enhancement of Crown Car Taxi Company at wider level.

Q7) According to you, "On the go" Mobile app is significant for the operation enhancement of Crown Car Taxi Company at wider level?








Figure 4.7


The previously mentioned chart expressed that, 27 out of 30 respondents are said that "On the Go" Mobile application is huge for the activity upgrade of Crown Car Taxi Company at more extensive level, in this way, the execution of utilization is successful as far as offering simple types of assistance to their potential purchasers and customers. 1 respondents isn't in favor with the equivalent and staying individual are not giving any conversation.

Theme 8) Customers are frequently using On the go" Mobile app for booking their Taxi.

Q8) According to you, How frequently customers are using On the go" Mobile app for booking their Taxi?


Once in a Day


Once in Week


Once in Month


Once in a year


Figure 4.8


According to the descriptive evaluation of the dissertation it is being answered that 20 out of 30 respondents said that customers are using On the go" Mobile app Once in a day, as they are the most regular buyers who are taking the use of Taxi, 4 people are taking the benefits of mobile app once in a week, 3 people are go with the option of once in a month and remaining are select the option of once in a year.

Theme 9) Digital technologies has positive impact on the functions and operations of the Crown Cars company.

Q9) According to you, which kind of influence does, digital technologies has on the functions and operations of the Crown Cars company?








Figure 4.9


According to the top to bottom investigation of the chart it has been resolved that 25 out of 30 individuals said that Digital innovations has positive effect on the capacities and tasks of the Crown Cars organization. According to their view, advanced innovations are viable in building up the tasks of the firm at higher degree, in this way 2 individuals are not in favor with the equivalent and remaining are impartial as they are not endorsing any remark on the equivalent.

Theme 10) The frequent change in technologies are efficient for the easy execution of mobile application for Crown Car Company.

Q10) As per your view, the frequent change in technologies are efficient for the easy execution of mobile application for Crown Car Company?






Figure 4.10


In this present analysis the stuidy has been executed over determining the frequent change in technologies are efficient for the easy execution of mobile application for Crown Car Company. Therefore the study has been executed among 30 respondents and out of that 29 are in favour with the statement that the frequent change in technologies are efficient for the easy execution of mobile application for Crown Car Company, as per their view, technological advancement is effectual for a business to gain more benefits and profitability. Leftover people are not in favour with the same according to them rapid change in technologies are not much effective for the easy execution of mobile application for the taxi firm.

Theme 11) Afters implementation of "On The Go" mobile applications, the profitability of Crown Car Taxi Company has increased.

Q11) According to your view, afters implementation of "On The Go" mobile applications, the profitability of Crown Car Taxi Company has increased?








Figure 4.11


As per the detailed analysis of the project, it has been evaluated that 27 out of 30 people said that the implementation of "On The Go" mobile applications is effective in increasing the profitability of Crown Car Taxi Company as per their view, mobile application has made business operations more easy and reliable. 1 respondents is not agree with the same and remaining are not providing any sort of justifications on the same.

Theme 12) There are different measures that can be opt by Crown Car Taxi Company for the better usage of digital technology.

Q12) What measures can be opt by Crown Car Taxi Company for the better usage of digital technology?


Appropriate training


Recruiting experienced people


Easy to use application


Figure 4.12


According to the point by point assessment of the undertaking, it has been deciphered that there are numerous estimates that can be select by the firm for the better use of computerized advances, along these lines, 8 out of 30 individuals are supportive of fitting preparing, 7 individuals are go with enrolling encountered person's and remaining are agreeable to simple to utilize application, hence this is the most ideal approach to ad libbing the utilization of advanced innovations.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendation


From the inside and out investigation of the venture it has been presumed that, computerized instruments and innovations has reformed the lives of an individual and furthermore influences the tasks and capacities execution of an association. In the present current situation, the lives of individual depends on computerized instruments and advances as person's are worry over utilizing advanced devices and innovations like web, cell phones, smart phones, internet based life, messaging and so on as these are successful in making people living all the more simple and agreeable. Thusly, organizations now daily's are centers over utilizing computerized devices and advancements as to making their tasks increasingly adaptable and successful. With regards to Taxi business, digital technologies like smart phone, digital map, mobile application, social media, texting, internet etc. are significant in making operations more reliable and easy. Thus, businesses in taxi sector are using online mobile applications for providing easy services to their customers and they are applying social media tools in developing awareness among the customers in regards to the operations and functions of the firm, therefore, social media tools are also effective in implementing social connectivity which are creating value in developing the operations and function of the firm. As per the analysis of the project it has also been analysed that, the emergence of digital technologies are quite tedious for the businesses and they are facing multiple challenges related with the experienced workforces, lack of expertise knowledge, lack of proficient drivers, suitable execution of mobile application etc. along these lines these are requires to be settled by the business in regard to smooth execution of authoritative tasks. According to the feeling investigation of the respondents it has been inferred that, for a taxi business the usage of portable application is powerful as it is effectual in improving the tasks of the firm by means of giving simple and viable offices to their clients,, it can also be seen that, after implementation of mobile applications the growth of taxi sector has increases, as people are more reliable over using mobile applications for booking their cab and taxi, In addition to this, digital technologies are also enable customers to trace their location and follow a path with the help of map which could be effective for them in analysing their way.


The examination concerning thought depends on dissecting the effect of advanced innovations over the tasks and elements of Crown Car Company, hence, the extent of study is so wide, as it is compelling in building up the abilities and information base of individual corresponding to the execution of computerized advances in the development and movement of the business. According to the point by point assessment of the venture it has been suggested that, as a main taxi organization, Crown Car Taxi organization should utilize web based life like, Facebook, YouTube, twitter, Instagram to execute relationship with clients at more extensive level, therefore, these tools are efficacious in building connectivity among people at wider level. However, company should also develop an effective mobile application and establishing it on a easy execution method, as the app needs to be easy to use for the customers. Therefore, this could be beneficial for the firm in increasing the customers range. From the analysis of the project it has also been recommended to Crown Car company that they should use advance mobile applications in which all the detailed regarding cab, its driver, personal details of driver etc. are mentioned, therefore, this is required for safety purposes. As per the views analysis of the majority of drivers it has also been suggested to Crown Car company to provide appropriate training to their drivers in respect to developing the professionals so that chances of miss happing are reduced. The management of the firm should also provide training to the drives in regarding to the implementation of mobile application, therefore, it is important for them to providing knowledge regarding operating mobile applications for accepting customers request regarding their booking. In addition to this, company should also implement effective strategies of developing their operations at market place. Company should also provide free app down load facilities so that customers can be more reliable over taking the facilities offered by the Crown Car Taxi company. It has likewise been prescribed to Crown Car Company that, organization ought to give free ride and additional wallet offices to their clients in regard to creating mindfulness among the clients concerning the administrations offered by the firm.

Research Limitations

The investigation into actual action is based on determining the impact of digital technology on a transport industry, therefore, in the execution of an investigation researcher has faces multiple limitations, thus in this present investigation analysis the time is recognised to be the key limitation which is mainly affects the execution of research. As the provided time for this particular research is less and the given time is not enough to complete the project, thus few activities are time consuming in nature and requires more time to execute in appropriate manner. In addition to this, in this existing research project primary investigation has been executed and the issue is related with the interest of the respondents as the participants are not providing significant information. Thus, this is also a major issue which affects the completion of the project. For the purpose of resolving the issue of time, the investigator has needs to be concern over developing an effective time scale in respect to suitable implementation of research activities with a suitable time.

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